ONLYLYON Ambassadors

ONLYLYON is now introducing a fresh take on its Ensemble! collection. An all-female collective of photographers has been tasked with creating the campaign’s new visuals.

After the summer 2020 launch of its Ensemble! campaign, produced by an all-male collective, ONLYLYON has enriched its set of themes – adding sport, disability, solidarity, the circular economy, and events. The campaign’s new visuals portray Lyon in all its diversity, and also feature other areas such as Givors and Monts du Lyonnais. This second phase is also rooted in our daily lives, evolving with the seasons, and adapting to the new health restrictions such as mask-wearing. To reflect these various objectives, eight women photographers – chosen for their artistic sensibility and rich photographic world, but primarily for their commitment to the local area – were assigned to produce this second phase.

A project group has been set up to embody the Ensemble! dynamic and articulate the facets of this mindset through a collection of inspiring places and stages. Eight women for the design and eight men behind the lens make up phase one of the collective, which will gradually be expanded!v


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What makes up the “Ensemble!” dynamic?

  • A highly dynamic collective of partners who are part of the ONLYLYON programme.
  • A collective of 8 photographers with very different personalities, who create extremely different work
  • Around twenty exceedingly varied places in the city and the people who live, work and wander about there.

Mix it all together and what do you get? A mosaic of simultaneously surprising, innovative, and authentic situations that all reveal the extra bit of soul that can be found in Lyon, and only Lyon!

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Aude Lemaitre

Trentenaire et cheffe d'entreprise, Aude Lemaitre est diplômée de l'école de Condé en identité visuelle. Après avoir été salariée en agence de communication à Lyon, elle est photographe indépendante depuis 2013 avec un style plein de douceur. Pour la campagne Ensemble !, Aude Lemaitre a réalisé les visuels pour Handisport, Ictyos et Les Halles Paul Bocuse.

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Florence Chapuis

Photographe Lyonnaise, Florence Chapuis exerce son art dans différents univers, de la mode à la nature en passant par des portraits ou des reportages thématiques, comme l’exposition sur le sport pour le Musée National de Suède. Pour la campagne Ensemble !, elle a réalisé les visuels de L’Autre Soie à Villeurbanne, de la Halle Tony Garnier, du Festival Lumière et bientôt celui du Planétarium.

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Noélia Delord

Après 3 ans d’études à l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Saint Etienne, Noélia est désormais en deuxième année de BTS Photographie à la SEPR à Lyon, même si elle a déjà monté en 2018 sa microentreprise en photographie et réalisé de nombreux stages professionnels en France et au Québec. C’est dans le cadre d’une association entre ONLYLYON et la SEPR pour valoriser les filières d’apprentissage du territoire que Noélia a été choisie parmi les élèves de sa promotion. Pour la campagne Ensemble !, elle a réalisé les visuels de la Place du TNP à Villeurbanne et des ateliers de l'imprimerie de la SEPR.

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What makes up the “Ensemble!” dynamic?

  • A highly dynamic collective of partners who are part of the ONLYLYON programme.
  • A collective of 8 photographers with very different personalities, who create extremely different work
  • Around twenty exceedingly varied places in the city and the people who live, work and wander about there.

Mix it all together and what do you get? A mosaic of simultaneously surprising, innovative, and authentic situations that all reveal the extra bit of soul that can be found in Lyon, and only Lyon!

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Bloc de contenu 5efb5555e781e

What makes up the “Ensemble!” dynamic?

  • A highly dynamic collective of partners who are part of the ONLYLYON programme.
  • A collective of 8 photographers with very different personalities, who create extremely different work
  • Around twenty exceedingly varied places in the city and the people who live, work and wander about there.

Mix it all together and what do you get? A mosaic of simultaneously surprising, innovative, and authentic situations that all reveal the extra bit of soul that can be found in Lyon, and only Lyon!

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Susie Waroude

Originaire d’Amiens, Susie Waroude est arrivée à Lyon pour étudier en école de photographie. Elle a choisi de s’installer ici et collabore depuis avec plusieurs titres de la presse locale comme Tribune de Lyon, Exit le mag, Grains de Sel. Ses reportages sont très directs et authentiques. Pour la campagne Ensemble !, Susie Waroude a réalisé les visuels du Skatepark de Rillieux, la Librairie Maison Jaune et la Ferme pédagogique de Charly.

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What makes up the “Ensemble!” dynamic?

  • A highly dynamic collective of partners who are part of the ONLYLYON programme.
  • A collective of 8 photographers with very different personalities, who create extremely different work
  • Around twenty exceedingly varied places in the city and the people who live, work and wander about there.

Mix it all together and what do you get? A mosaic of simultaneously surprising, innovative, and authentic situations that all reveal the extra bit of soul that can be found in Lyon, and only Lyon!

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